Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Music Lesson (Rhythm)

         This lesson is teaching rhythmic notation, or in other words symbols for how long a note is played. This contains the basic quarter notes, half notes, dotted half notes, and whole notes. A whole note is 4 beats (counts), a dotted half is 3 beats (counts), a half is 2 beats (counts), a quarter is 1 beat (count) .These rhythmic notations representing how long a sound lasts within a piece of music also has a counterpart which represents how long silence should last in music. These are called rests and they follow similar mnemonics as their sounding counterpart: A whole note rest is 4 beats (counts), a dotted half note rest is 3 beats (counts), a half note rest is 2 beats (counts), a quarter note rest is 1 beat (count). After that is explained the lesson provides an exercise where the student can apply their knowledge and begin to compose!

      This lesson has no attachment to any song or piece of music which is bad and good. It leaves a lot of space for composition but also lacks a foundation, something earlier grade levels may need. An idea to give this lesson foundation is to give the students an example of music they are familiar with and then using what they have learned, compose a rhythm in that style. This gives context and an appreciation for a teachers students music.

1 comment:

  1. I think its wonderful you stated that this is bad AND good. In the lower levels, I agree, it would be lacking that foundation that would be needed. I do believe the good's outweigh the bad's however. This shows students who want to create their own music that they cannot fail at composing music. This gives them hope to continue to compose while still teaching them the different values of each note or rest. Well done!
