Sunday, October 27, 2013


Ututti is a website that is perfect for organizing the many areas of being a music teacher. This is especially true for teaching band (marching band, pep band, or jazz band). They include, Student Management, inventory (mostly for instruments) , Financial Tools, Calendar, E-mail, Reports, public websites, Student accounts, assistant Accounts, and more. The management this web 2.0 provides makes it easy to have every aspect of your music ensembles organized for you and your students! Your students can access all this information as well but only you, or people you allow to, can alter the information set forth. You can give students consecutive reviews on how they are doing in class or band; this will help track progress. In the reports you can write down exactly what an individual or the ensemble as whole should work on send it directly to them or have it for all their viewing pleasure. Ututti will help you track your use of both the standards required by the state and nation along with the personal growth of your students. More features are uploading files, grading, web widgets, dashboard, security and support, and mobile app. having these we can put professional examples of music or excerpts and have students listen to a certain quality of music so they know what is the professional standard. Music Educators can give students an outline of their grades so they know what they will be graded on and to what extent. We can set a dashboard so students can congregate for assignments or just to socialize in a music educational web setting where we can monitor their discussions. The App feature is wonderful! These students can check, listen to anything on this app at any time so long as they have that app and a smart phone


  1. I had no idea this program existed. This is going to be extremely useful in my teaching career as a music educator. Budgeting a band (let alone marching band, concert band, orchestra, jazz band etc) is a nightmare as a new teacher, this program can certainly aid me in many ways! I will look more into this site and be sure to use it and come to you with any questions I may have for this site. Thanks for the information!

  2. I'm doing my fieldwork and I heard my co-op tell me about a program like this. It seems like a really good way for students to stay engaged in the classroom. I will definitely be checking out this website in the future. It being an app makes it even more great and useful. Responding from my phone, giving feedback, or posting comments would be a huge time saver. Thanks for sharing
